Friday, April 30, 2010

Cloud Computing *

The denomination of Cloud Computing is becoming more and more common, but started to be more popular around 2008. Basically, the idea of Cloud Computing is to be a service to use anywhere, independent of platform, through the Internet with the same ease of having them installed on our own computers.

We are used to have applications installed on our computers, as well as store files and data. In the corporate environments is somewhat different, since it is easier to find applications available on servers that can be accessed from any terminal using the network. The main feature of this model is to permit the use of those resources in an “offline” mode, because they are used within the local network. But on the other hand, it’s restricted to the local network. Moreover, as a limitation, it may require a license of certain software for each computer.

The constantly changing of the computer technology and telecommunications is making the access to the Internet wider and increasingly fast, and this scenario is providing the perfect situation for the popularization of Cloud Computing. Thus, this concept is becoming known around the world including Brazil.

With the Cloud Computing, many applications as well as related files don’t need to be installed or stored on the user’s computer. They will be available on the “cloud”, i.e., on the Internet. The supplier will be in charge to perform all activities related to the application, like development, maintenance, update, backup, etc., and the user just need to have Internet access and know how to use the application.

A classical example of this model is the webmail, where the users can access from anywhere. Another reality of this practice is Google Docs, a service where users can edit text, create spreadsheets, and prepare slide presentations, store files and others, all online without the need of having programs installed on their computers. What the user needs to do is open an Internet browser, access the service and start working, no matter which operating system or computer is being used.

There are many other advantages of Cloud Computing: data sharing and collaborative work (which becomes easier, since all users access applications and data stored in the same place - the cloud); reduction of IT costs, once that is paid only what is used; for critical applications, the supplier can offer high availability as a kind of service, so the users don’t need to know about the infra-structure details, just hire the service. In addition, many applications are already made considering this concept.

However, some other aspects need to be taken in account, like the idea of leaving certain information stored on computers of others (for instance, service providers) or some issues such as the dependency problem of Internet access: what to do when the connection is dropped?

Anyway, the concepts of Cloud Computing are very new, and many experts disagree about the real concepts. It seems that they disagree that the concepts are very new. But many companies are working in various solutions for this new trend. In the near future, this technology will change the way we use computer.

* Article published on Curitiba in English.