Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Smaller Computer: Smartphones *

Not long ago, we were used to navigating on the Internet or checking e-mails only through computers, but today the technology is changing. The engine of these changes is a gadget called a Smartphone, which is revolutionizing the world of mobile phones. Nowadays becoming more and more popular, these devices have the same processing capacity that computers had a few years ago. Simultaneously, they are becoming smaller, thinner, faster and cheaper, and it won’t be long before they replace many functions we currently perform with computers. Smartphones will quickly win over many cell phone users by providing more services and will completely alter the concept of cell phones, making them much more than a simple phone with voice and text messaging.

The fact is Smartphones have already become a reality for many business executives because fastpaced companies seek not just a handset for reading e-mail, but additional capabilities like integrating databases, CRM and ERP. In this way, corporations are increasing productivity and providing more flexibility in decision making. Smartphones are successful not only within corporate environments, but they are also gaining more users who are fascinated by the idea of being online 24 hours a day. Millions of Smartphone users enjoy the luxury of continually checking the weather forecast or the stock market, reading news, updating social networks, listening to songs, or even watching a movie in high definition. All of these activities are being encouraged by pricing systems that are not as costly as they once were.

In 2009, more than two million Smartphones were sold in Brazil, according to the consulting company IDC, and the number is predicted to double in 2010. Remember, it wasn’t long ago that people were happy to have cell phones with a digital camera embedded, but now people want to be more connected to the Internet and have more information available all the time and anywhere. With this fertile market, technology giants like Google, Microsoft, Apple and Nokia are fighting a close race to offer the best hardware, operating system, and application development and services. Many technology experts predict the Smartphone is only the beginning of mobile computing. The future may be a screen larger or smaller, in your pocket or in the refrigerator - the choice will be yours. If you don’t have one today, don’t worry, it’s just a matter of time.

* Article published on Curitiba in English.