Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The 15 tech habits that everyone should avoid (part 2)

Getting back on the 15 tech habits we should avoid, let's get started by the 8th topic.
If you missed the part 1, here you can take a look.

8. Leave the laptop in the car: Thieves have plenty of time to study how to approach on you, or the simplest case when they see an easy opportunity right in front of them. If something attracts their attention in the car, or more, if they see you carrying a backpack or suitcase and moving to the trunk of the car, it will be easy to them to break the window, in seconds take your laptop and your information became legend. So if you really need to leave in the car, try to put under the seat, in discrete location, but better than this, take with you.

9. Not having a "disposable" e-mail: Dont give your main email to anyone or questionable websites when filling the form. You can easily start receiving tons of spam e-mails with this simple attitude!! So take advantage of the free emails such as Gmail or Yahoo and preserve your main inbox.

10. Keep all your e-mails: If you are the one who keeps all received email in the inbox in a chronological order ... congratulations!! But sorry to say that, it will be pretty hard to find something when you most need. Try to use folders and tags in order to classify by category such as work, personal, important ones, etc. Also delete the ones you wont use anymore.

11. Not learn the shot-cuts of the keyboard: Still there are many people that dont know how to use the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Those are the most common ones, and there are lots of those that makes easier your life. No need to learn all combinations, but it can help you save a lot of time with a simple Ctrl+S, for example.

12. Install too many things: You install a few messenger, other tool bars, and some programs. When you initiate your computer and after everything is loaded, you notice your computer slow. This is because programs usually let many logs and other stuff behind, making your computer keep loaded all this things. So when you want to install new stuff, think twice if you really need it. Of course, there are some software that can clean up your computer, or another way is format and re-install everything ... but this takes lots of your time in order to do it and can give you possibly a cost.

13. Store files anywhere: This is one of the most common problems people complain when working with computer ... "I swear I have saved the file but I dont know where!!". I bet this already happened to you. So in order to avoid this kind of boredom, try to organize your files using folders splitting by subject or category. Once you need to look for it, you have an idea where it might be. Act as you do with other stuff such as, the newspaper and magazines, the monthly bills, the photo albums, etc.

14. Use the same password for everything: You first think that if you put the same password for everything you need, it is easier to remember, because it is just one. However, imagine if one of those places you created the password they don't store encrypted and worse, this information is stolen somehow. The thief can have your name and password and can access your e-mail, social networks, perhaps bank account, whatever. Better have a set of different passwords for different purposes and with critical levels, not only that, keep it safe, not have written anywhere or shared with other people.

15. Lock the cellphone: Not all cellphones have this feature to put a code/password to unlock. However, if your cellphone have, consider using this feature. This is because if you loose or leave anywhere nearby to bad intentioned people (why not say thief), he can easily steal some important information stored on your cellphone for many purposes, such as make calls, get your contacts for spam, perhaps your e-mails access and some others. If you have this feature, why not take advantage of this tiny thing that can protect you.

Well, surely there are many other important hints that can protect yourself of headaches. But following some of those ones, you can make your productivity even better, possibly not right away but in the long run.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Ultrabooks: Going Beyond Tablets *

Yes, here is one more new technology term! Ultrabooks are the newest evolution of laptops. They were created by Intel, and now big companies like Acer, LG, HP and Asus are investing in the concept. In order to qualify as an Ultrabook, the model must conform to the following: It must be less than 21 mm thick, and most important, it must cost less than US$1,000. (Unfortunately, we already know the price will be higher in Brazil due to the high import taxes here.) According to the manufacturers, it is essential for Ultrabooks to reach a mass audience, and they expect them to become a dominant product in 2013.

The first models released are equipped with Intel Sandy Bridge processors that measure only 32 nanometers. However, with the continued development of technology, it’s expected newer models will be equipped with processors of only 22 nanometers. A nanometer is the unit of measure for the transistor in the processor, and the smaller they get, the greater the possibility of putting more transistors on a single processor, as this increases the performance of the computer. Just to give you an idea of how small these processors are, the flu virus is 100 nanometers in size!

Here are a few more details related to this new concept: Ultrabooks are super thin, use lightweight batteries that last longer - at least five hours - and have a quick start-up, only about seven seconds. Also, the traditional laptop hard drives have been replaced by SSDs, also known as flash memories. Because of this, the Ultrabooks will be strong competitors for netbooks and tablets, since some of them come up with touch screens.

Now you are no doubt wondering: Which is more better to own - the Ultrabook or a tablet? In the previous technology article, we discussed tablets and their features and purpose. A tablet can be seen as a consumer of content - designed to be easy to use, very intuitive, and mobile anywhere, any time.

On the other hand, the Ultrabook is designed as a producer of content - much more powerful than tablets, with the same features as laptops. Additionally, Ultrabooks combine some of the best features of tablets, such as the ease of mobility due to their reduced size and weight.

It is interesting to note that Ultrabook technology isn’t really so new. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Apple MacbookAir, a laptop with the same features as Ultrabooks, released by Apple some years ago. The difference now is that Ultrabooks will be produced by several companies, allowing for the possibility of greater popularity and cheaper prices.

In a nutshell, you can begin thinking which kind of user you are - sometimes a consumer and other times a producer? The good news is you will now have the opportunity to buy the most suitable equipment for your needs, and thus you will take advantage of the best of what technology has to offer.

* Article published on Curitiba in English.