Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brazil leads time use of tablets and smartphones

Brazil leads the time use of smartphones and tablets in the world, says a survey conducted jointly by CONNECT and the Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN).

According to the survey, the Brazilian spends on average 84 minutes per day on smartphone against a global average of 74 minutes. Despite the larger screens, the tablets do not attract people for longer: the Brazilian is 79 minutes per day on gadgets with screens from 7 inches while the world average recorded by the study is 71 minutes.

Even with these numbers and with smartphone penetration doubled between 2011 and 2012, going from 9% to 18%, Brazil is still far from the world average recorded last year with 48%.

So far with few options in the market, Amazon arrived in Brazil with its virtual store and the Kindle in December 2012, e-readers are still very shy presence in the country. According to the survey, only 1% of Brazilians have such a device, the global average is 12%.

The survey interviewed a total of 1,000 Internet users over 16 years in Brazil, through the panel CONECTAí conducted between November and December 2012. Moreover, the survey had a total of 54.000 interviews in 54 countries around the world.