Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Lack of Qualified IT Workforce *

With the economy growing despite the crisis two years ago, the demand for qualified IT professionals is getting higher and higher and the companies across the world are suffering with the lack of qualified workforce in the market. One of the reasons is the “boom“ of the economy that is coming from other sectors, in special emergent countries mainly from industries and production with advanced technology embedded requiring qualified knowledge. And secondly, with the advent of the Internet, the access to information is getting much easier and the trend is to have much more information published every day using the Internet as an efficient channel to move the business, forcing the market to have qualified professionals in many areas of IT such as system analyst, developers, network analyst, security, database administrators and support.

According to the research conducted by the Institute of Engineering and Technology of United Kingdom has showed that almost 50% of the companies in the research hired professionals last years from other countries as a way to circumvent the lack of local professionals. More than this, the lack of qualified workforce gets worse when required a second language to have business with other countries. The English language became the international language and about 80% of the whole information in IT is in English, so that makes it one more filter to classify candidates.

As a way to supply this problem, many companies are looking for talents on universities, hiring young graduates and investing on training. Many companies share the idea that is more important to have talents instead of technical skills, and the trainings can be focused on areas the company needs. But for some specialists, they say that something needs to be done to inspire more people to IT area, since the perspectives for the next years are to keep growing and requiring more and more qualified people.

In Brazil, big international IT companies are already investing on outsourcing projects mainly because many companies overseas have high demand for IT solutions with lower costs, as well as the issue of not having enough workforce available. Moreover, in the last years Brazil became well known around the world because of the creativity of our computer programmers, which is very important to develop high quality solutions for the customers. For the next years, the prospects are promising to have big companies landing here. So are you ready to catch these opportunities?

* Article published on Curitiba in English.

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