Sunday, June 12, 2011

Orkut: What are the directions of the social network most famous in Brazil?

Many users have already bet to say that Orkut has its days numbered. But we must not forget that Google's social network were largely responsible for this craze caught once here in Brazil! With rapid growth since its launch, Orkut needed only for four years, in 2008, surpass its main rival at the time, MySpace.

Today's most popular network among Brazilians still leads here: 43 million active users in the country. But now the "enemy"is another, and the threat is great. Facebook just arrived, and has nearly 600 million users worldwide compared to only 85 million of Orkut.

The point is that all these people who entered the network of Mark Zuckerberg, only about 2% are in Brazil. But this scenario is changing and draws attention. A while here, many fled Orkut and migrated to new services. So much so that a recent survey by Ibope Media shows that half of Orkut users used fewer social network in 2010. Since Facebook has its version in Portuguese, which made ​​it easier for people to use the site as a new social networking.

Other surveys show that the audience of Orkut is nearly parked for about one year in Brazil. Between September 2009 and May 2010, the increase in the number of unique visitors per month was 3.5%, and during the same period the rival Facebook has advanced 102%. Based on these data, its already expected that Facebook in Brazil will overtake Orkut still this year ... will be?

Just last year, Orkut has made more than 50 service changes. Recently they changed the first time the logo of social networking, and Google also promises plenty of novelty to the end of 2011.
Well, all we can do is wait to see what will really happen.

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