Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Main reasons why small companies don't have backup plan

Nowadays there are many ways to backup your data, and now there are one more option that is the Cloud. Even though, many small and medium companies still keep not having implemented a backup plan, and consequently put their data in risk.

There are some researches about this subject, as the one conducted by Symantec revealing that more than 57% of the small and median companies have no plan in case of data loss. Another research conducted by Carbonite pointed out that half of companies suffered unrecoverable data loss.

With so many ways to implement it, why do these companies still keep working without backup plan?
Small companies in general are very busy with many things at the same time, and backup plan is just one more thing, not giving the right importance.

A few reasons are giving in this concern when asked to entrepreneurs:

- It's too expensive: Costs are always the first excuse for small companies that need to take the most of each penny spent. But on the other hand, to have a data loss and not able to get back to work would be the worst. But its also true that with big amount of data, the cost of backup would be quite expensive.

- This will never happen to me: This means that not because you are not on the route of natural disasters like hurricane, floods, etc that will never happen. There are others that happen very often like robbery, fire, physical hardware problems and many others quite susceptible that might occur when you least expect it.

- I just forgot to look for it: Usually entrepreneurs are very busy doing many things simultaneously, and take care of this is just one more duty that can have low priority. But this is not anymore a good excuses since there are many tools that perform synchronized automatic backups.

- Keeps my computer slow: This is very linked with anti-virus programs and old backup programs that in the past used to keep the computers slow due to the high processor and memory consuming. However today there are good tools that work in background, with many options including the one to run only when the computer is idle, as well as the possibility to schedule to run at night.

- I don't want my information in the cloud: Many companies really dislike the idea of having information somewhere out of the company. They feel more comfortable keeping the data at home, but as part of the good backup plan, at least one copy of your data must be out of the office in order to be recoverable in case you can't reach the office.

- I don't have IT department: Some professional devices designed for big amount of data really need someone with skills to operate, but many other solutions are designed specifically for small companies to be simple and easy to use and requires very little knowledge to implement.

- It's in my pen-drive: Many people do that, but most commonly as a personal backup, and the dangerous point here is that not always you have a full daily backup stored in this cheap and portable device. Another weak point, usually people keep this device with the computer, or on the desk, and definitely makes the strategy a big point of failure.

There are still many other excuses why companies don't implement backup strategy. But a few questions are raised: How much value do you give to your information? How much time do you need to have a full restore of your information? Do you keep up-to-date your equipment? and lastly, how much money do you invest on Information Technology?

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