Thursday, September 06, 2012

The 10 oldest Internet domains

Since the Internet arrived in Brazil on 1995 at that time with dial-up connections, and nowadays with the broadband and the mobile 3G connections, Brazilians have been using a lot the services and also changed its behaviors due to the World Wide Web (aka www).

But do you know which are the oldest Internet domains?

1. - on March 15th, 1985 the computer manufacturer Symbolics Inc. registered the first domain ".com" on the internet. The company already doesn't exist anymore, but the page is still up and celebrating. The website brings several mentions about the 25 years of the first domain .com on the Internet. on 1997, the recorded impressive (for the time) 1 million hits.

2. - this domain has been registered on April 24th, 1985 and belongs to a technology company from the United States.

3. - the domain dates back on May 24th, 1985 but the website is not up anymore. Actually when you try to access, you will be redirected automatically to the website ThinkQuest, from Oracle.

4. - this domain has been registered on July 11th, 1985. Today gathers information from universities that have initials with these acronyms.

5. - it has been registered on September 30th, 1985 and today belongs to the group Hewlett-Packard, the HP.

6. - the domain has been registered on November 7th, 1985. The website was bought by the global security company Northrop Grumman.

7. - among the largest technology companies, the Xerox was the fastest on registering the domain on January 9th, 1986.

8. - this research institute nonprofit existed for over 60 years but only registered their domain on January 17, 1986.

9. - although it has acquired the domain shortly after its registration, HP decided to register its own address on March 3, 1986 to avoid problems in the future.

10. - registered on March 5th, 1986, now belongs to the technology company Telcordia Mobile Broadband.

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