Monday, June 17, 2013

Back to the IT subjects

After a long time without changes in this blog, starting from this month I will try to get back to the articles and write at least once per week. It will be a mix of news with personal opinion, always related to IT subjects.

As a few friends already know, this year I've being dedicated myself on mobile development - initially as a hobby only. And for this to happen I had to dip into books and courses to rewind how to program after being away of programming for more than 10 years.
To start with, I had an idea of developing a simple app to put in practice the concepts studied and make myself more confident. So after analyzing the possibilities, I got the idea of developing and app for the newspaper Curitiba in English (CIE) where I am contributor.

An an important instrument of communication, the CIE could take the advantage of having an app to bring readers closer to the subjects for discussion, boost page views but mainly make it easier for sharing - by social networks, email or even sms. The idea is pretty simple, no big features implemented but its expected to have many other great features still to be implemented for the further versions.

Feel free to comment and rate.
Click here and go to the iTunes App Store.

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