Wednesday, November 20, 2013

28 years of the first MS Windows

We are so used to Microsoft Windows equipped in more than 80% of the desktops and laptops computers that we can barely imagine when it was released the first edition of the Windows operating system, but it was exactly 28 years ago, in November 20th in 1985.

I couldn't even imagine how this release was at that time because my first computer was equipped already with Windows 3.11 in 1996. But thanks to the website we can have see how the MS Windows version 1.01 was running at time ( click here to access ) using your web-browser to load without any installation in your computer.

To give you more technical details, the Windows was running over the MS-DOS operating system, which means the Windows couldn't be able to run by itself, it was required the MS-DOS version 2.0 installed first in order to launch, plus 256 KB of RAM memory and a hard disk. Initially, it was delivered in 4 floppy disks of 5.25 inches with 360KB each - and this version came with Reversi (game), a calendar, notepad, calculator, clock, command prompt (direct window to DOS), Write, Control Panel, Paint and communication programs.

The MS Windows 1.01 was no a big success compared to his successors in the 1990s, due to the hardware limitation available at that time. However it was the beginning of a new era with graphical interface using the keyboard and a mouse. Nowadays, the latest version of the operating system is the Windows 8 with the introduction of a new concept with touch screen.

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