Thursday, April 10, 2014

The lack of professionals with technical skills

Many researches point out that it’s getting harder and harder to find qualified technical professionals to work in areas such as mechanical, electrical and hydraulic with minimum skills and experience. Those workers don’t come from a university but from technical schools which prepare the worker with specific knowledge, however nowadays people are giving more priority to have a university course judging that it will provide more opportunities, what it’s not wrong.

One of the causes of the mismatch between supply and demand is the career choice of students who complete high school. Most do not consider the technique as a career path to follow, despite the high rate of employment and rising wages. In part, has been strengthened with greater access to higher education (university courses) through programs like Prouni provided by the federal government. So there is a left over candidates with generalist higher education and a lack of skilled technical professionals.

There is an expectation that for the further years this situation will be softened with the federal program called Pronatec (National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment) released in 2011.

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