Friday, April 15, 2011

Brazil occupies 56th position in global IT rankings

The Global Report on Information Technology 2010/2011, released on April 4th by the World Economic Forum (WEF), shows that Brazil occupies the 56th position in the ranking, which analyzes the adoption rate of IT to sustain growth and development of the economy. The country has climbed five places from the last search.

The report cites that the main barriers to the development of IT initiatives in Brazil are the regulatory framework, the low quality of the market environment and the unpreparedness of the population to deal with technology.

To reach the global ranking, the World Economic Forum uses an evaluation baptized as Index of Information Technology (ITI). It analyzes the level of preparedness of countries to adopt the technology under three viewpoints: the regulatory environment, business and infrastructure; preparation of individuals, companies and governments to use and take advantage the resources of IT and telecom, and the implementation of available technologies.

The first five places in the ranking are occupied, in ascending order of: Sweden, Singapore, Finland, Switzerland and the United States. With the inclusion of a record 138 economies, the report is still the largest and most trusted international assessment of the impact of ICT in development and competitiveness of nations.

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