Friday, April 08, 2011

GPS is increasingly in the daily life of Brazilians

The use of navigation devices continues to grow among Brazilian consumers. According to research conducted by Navteq - the leading global provider of maps,traffic and location data, which included for the first time Brazil in the 13 countries evaluated - a third of consumers have experience with navigation, plus 90% show familiarity with the instruments. In total, 13 000 people were interviewed, and one thousand within the country.

Among the varied formats, navigation in vehicles leads to the choice. The use of cellular and / or smartphones ranked second. These items were identified as the main and which the public has shown more adaptation.

One of the criticisms leveled at the GPS, however, is in relation to the abbreviations of the names of streets, which has caused confusion at times. Not all devices have quick refresher. When there are streets with names that start with the words priest or colonel, for example, a problem occurs. For devices in cell phones, arise some other critical to agility, that takes a while to pick up satellite signals, compared to models that are in cars. Delay especially in days of heavy rain or when there are many clouds.

The continued use of GPS has led some car dealerships to put the unit among the optional items, in addition to having several models on store shelves. They are offered as optional and most people interested in a new vehicle chooses to purchase the unit.

However, the device is not unanimous - still for some drivers keep using the guide in paper for reasons like security, reliability and easy to use. But for you that have a GPS as your guide, here are some tips when using:
1 - Avoid blocking the antenna with your hand.
2 - It works best outdoors when the sky is clear. Rain and clouds can weaken the signal.
4 - Connect to the GPS system takes at least 40 seconds.
5 - The signal can be weakened by a windshield UV protected or heated.
6 - To avoid distractions and prevent accidents, drivers should not handle the unit when the vehicle is in motion.
7 - Do not follow the voice prompts of the device without making sure they are consistent with the existing signaling traffic.

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