Monday, May 30, 2011

Home Sweet Office: Tips

So here is listed some important tips given by specialists:

- Family and Business:
You chose the Home Office as a way to work? You have to teach to your family during the workday that place in the house is your office, be creative, use strategies to demonstrate this, a sign on the door, defined schedules

- Choose your place of work:
Choose a room, a cubicle - delimit your work corner and guide your family about it, of course if you have to share space with your family, create schedules and rules. Preferably, beware that your office is away from distractions.

- E-mails, e-mails and more e-mails:
Organize them! work at home, your contacts will be basically via email. If you dont organize, you will have difficult in communication - so separate by color, themes, no matter, select and prioritize and avoid spam.

- Technology - Best Friend
Broadband Internet, telephone network efficiently, a good pc, a laptop, netbook, external hd, IPAD, no matter, use the technology in your favor, have only one phone line for your professional use, scanner, cell phone, all that technology you can add to, learn about, because without this, home office does not work.

- Beware of Stress at home
As you will have free time increased, not needing to go to the office, enjoy exercise, reading newspaper, relationship with family. A good tip sometimes, 'move' your office to the restaurant in a mall, to aerate the head or give some 'holiday' for people in the house.

- Daily routine
The freedom of the home office is not always a good thing if you do not know how to manage yourself. Create a routine, create timetables for you, and learn to respect these hours with the "Brazilian way" in the home office, the only one that can lose is you. Just be careful not to become a workhoolic and start working from 7am to 10pm without pausing. Beware what you wear, sometimes sleepwear in home office can decrease your productivity, but wear something comfortable.

And finally, "Have an entrepreneurial spirit", because without it is impossible to work remotely, or at home!

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