Friday, May 13, 2011

You are responsible for what you publish

By creating a website, blog or any other social media account, the user becomes not only visible but also vulnerable. Any content published on the World Wide Web is subject to be passed, sometimes so much wider than the author intended. A recent survey published by comScore in April, shows that 99% of more than 47 million of Brazilian Internet users accessed at least once, some social network during the month of March this year. Besides pictures, shared links and stories of everyday life, is also part of the content available on those networks many offenses, threats, and false information. And who publishes or passes need to know what can be, even unknowingly committing a crime.

According to specialists, the most common crimes related to the internet are:
- Calumny: it's when a person assigns to another person a crime without proof. The aggressor is arrested and fined for a period of one to three years;
- Defamation: happens when the individual ridicules another, damaging the reputation and image of this person before the society;
- Injury: is characterized by reference to the negative characteristics of a person - calling someone "ugly" or "dumb", for example.

In the last two cases, the author pays a fine or goes to detention for a period of one to six months. The same punishment applies to anyone who commits the crime of threat, when the author says it will kill a person, for example.

There is no specific law that treats crimes on the Internet (cyber crimes), however for specialists, this is not a problem once the crime is classified, the treatment is going to follow the same rules already existent, no matter if it is personal or virtual.
Besides that, depends on where it was done, it can have a great propagation causing a public embarrassment and hard to have the control. And more than this, it is easy to leave traces and the police come easily to the person who committed the wrongdoing.

Take a look at some other crimes on the Internet:
- Pedophilia and child pornography: characterized by the creation of Web sites or content (pictures and videos) related to child sexual abuse;
- Racism: written material, pictures or any other representation of ideas or theories that promote or incite anger, discrimination or violence against any individual or group based on race, color, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin.
- Calumny and Defamation: disclosure of information, often untrue that may harm the reputation of the victim.
- Cyber bullying: mobile messages, emails, messages on blogs or social networking sites containing swearing, insults or humiliations.

The nonprofit organization SaferNet works to guide the Internet users and the prevention of crimes, and also receives complaints - which can even be anonymous. The complaint may be made by the site
In Curitiba, the victim can look to Center to Combat Cybercrime (Nuciber) and with the evidence in hand; make a police report so that research can happen. Phone (41) 3323-9448. Rua José Loureiro, 376 - 1st Floor (attached to the Office of Identification).

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