Thursday, July 07, 2011

Number of Internet users in Brazil reached almost 60 million

According to numbers from the Institute of research Ibope Nielsen Online, more than 55 million of Brazilians accessed the internet from home. But the total of people with access on the internet from at work or household reached the 58.6 million people in May 2011.

Of those with access at work or in households, were 45.7 million active users, an increase of 6.8% over the previous month and 23% compared with 37.3 million in May 2010. The growth of Internet use in households is even greater, of the 55.5 million people, the number of active users in May 2011 reached 37.2 million, or 30% more than the 28.5 million in May 2010. In two years, the total monthly active users grew 46% in residences.

The access to the internet in any environment (households, workplaces, schools, internet cafes or other places) reached 73.9 million people according to the research in the forth quarter of 2010.

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